Goodbye 2015, Welcome 2016! The Most Common and Broken New Year’s Resolution of All Time and How to Keep Them!

8:22 PM

In just a couple of weeks, people all around the world will celebrate New Year – the coming of 2016. And as we all know, in this time of the year, people do not only list down the names of their family and friends they will send gifts and visit during the holidays but also their “New Year’s resolution” because, whether we admit it or not, New Year symbolizes new hope and new beginnings for all of us.
As the new calendar year begins, most of the people try to look things back and reflect on it. Some of us promises to eat healthy or save more money, among others. Either way, people promises to do at least one change in their life for the coming new year. 
Below is the compilation of the most common New Year’s resolution made and some helpful tips for you to keep them. The following list is randomly arranged:

      1.       Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the vices that has nothing beneficial but hard to give up. Since the invention of cigarettes, the number of smokers continues to increase. According to the figures released by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), there are 1.1 billion tobacco users in the world. This number is expected to increase to 1.6 billion over the next two decades.
First hand cigarette smokers are prone to cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
How to quit smoking? Aside from the over-the-counter cigarette replacements or the electronic cigarettes that smokers can avail, there are websites which offers useful tips and explanation for those who seriously want to give up smoking.


      2.       Live a healthy life! Stay fit and healthy!

“Just a pinch of that crunchy roast pork … promise, this is my last chunk of chocolate…”

Holidays is the season which gives some of us a reason (or justification J ) to eat too many sweets and calories and we commonly hear these words to most of our friends or relatives who vowed that they will follow their diet once the holiday season is over.  But we all know that losing weight, staying fit, eating healthy or simply living a healthy lifestyle is another resolution that most of us failed to keep. Losing that belly fat is not just a click away but surely takes a lot of commitment on our side.

If you want to get rid of the unnecessary fat, just keep in mind this simple tip “the more calories and sweets you eat than your body needs and can burn, the more you gain weight.”

Below are some of the websites that offer step by step tips on how to help achieve that healthy living lifestyle.


       3.       Get out of debt! Spend less, Save more

Learn to manage your money wisely. If possible, avoid having debts and if you already have some, get out of it! Because saving money starts when you have already paid your debt or you’re debt-free. You can’t really start moving forward if you have debts to pay. Tips for saving more and spending less starts by following these simple steps:

·         Record all your expenses (up to the last cent). In this case, you can see clearly where the bulk of your expenses have gone. You can analyze which part of your spending eat more of your money.
·         Create your weekly or monthly budget. This includes all your utility bills to pay, groceries and savings fund (normally 10-15% of your money)
·         Have a spending plan. If you plan to go on a vacation or want to buy something out of your weekly or monthly budget, set a spending plan for it.
·         Ask the help of financial consultants/advisors.
·         Most of all prioritize. Before spending your hard-earned money, ask yourself this question, “Do I really need this?” This way you can sort your needs from your wants.


      4.       Regulate Drinking or better stop it

Not all people can follow this “stop drinking alcohol” rule. Alcoholic beverages, in moderation, can be healthy and safe. Monitor your alcohol intake. Learn the standard amount of alcohol consumption and make a drinking plan. Indicate how many times you allow yourself to drink and how many drinks you want per day or per week or per month. Then, try to reduce the amount of your alcohol drinking based on the standard. In this case, you can cut back on your drinking without the effect of abrupt alcohol withdrawal.

      5.       Remove the clutters. Organize

Because of our fast-paced busy modern life, we tend to accumulate clutters in our work area and especially in our homes. Being organized does not only make you keep everything in place, but it will also help you calm down, relax or loosen up a bit brought about by everyday stress and pressure. To help you become organize, follow this simple steps:

·         Make a schedule. Find time every week or every month to regularly remove the clutters you accumulate.
·         Keep only the things you need. Avoid hoarding. Know when to discard items or stuff you don’t need anymore. Much better, donate it or sell it. Stay away from bargains and sales if not planned. Make an inventory of all your goods. Check the expiration dates of canned goods medicines and other perishable supplies. This will give you more spaces to store those important and necessary supplies and things you need.
·         Always return the things you used in their proper places. As soon as you’re done using it, return it. Put it back where it belongs. This will lessen the time you need to arrange everything on your scheduled “Decluttering Day”.
·         Be serious. Put effort in re-organizing. After the hardships and body aches, you can have a clutter-free life! Now that’s something to look forward to!


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